The capacity to love

Those who read my other blogs will know that I was recently in Taiwan for almost 2 weeks to train with my martial arts shifu (teacher/father) Master Chen Yun-Ching. During that time I (amongst others) was adopted as a "bai shi" - an inner circle student or "martial son" of Master Chen. It is one of the highest honours I have ever received in my life, and also ranks with some of the most emotional experiences I've had. During the trip I not only experienced the joy of being adopted into Master Chen's extended family, but I also formed some very close bonds with other members of our group. These bonds transcend the normal/everyday friendships one might have at work or sports etc; I'm talking about friendships that go to the pit of your stomach. That I should have made such friendships is possibly not an accident; Master Chen and his adopted brother James Sumarac had clearly hand-picked people from around the world who are of a like mind, character and ...