Tuzna Izabela (Sad Isabella) - a song

Ko je ta stara, tuzna zena? (Who is that old, sad woman?) Koga ceka pored reke? (For whom does she wait by the river?) Ceka momka da dodje po nju (She waits for her lover to come for her) Ona je tuzna, tuzna Izabela (She is sad, sad Isabella) Bijo je letnji dan kada su se upoznali (It was a summer's day when they first met) Izabela mlada dama, a Marko roda ciganskog (Isabella a young lady, and Marko from a gypsy family) Kaze: "Marko ti si mi mnogo zgodan" (She says: "Marko I find you very handsome") Kaze: "Bela moja ti si san" (He says: "Bella my love, you're like a dream") "Ajde da se sad vencamo" ("Come let us get married") "Moram ocu reci plan" ("I must tell Father of our plan") Kada otac sazna, on kaze: "Bre!" (When father finds out he says: "Hey!") "Bas takvu uniju pristacu ne!" ("This kind of union I will never allow!") "Molim te oce, daj mi blagosl...